-----------AIMS AND SCOPES------

The Transnational Journal of Mathematics accept research papers in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics. It is published online only in 2 issues per 1 volume annually.


The Transnational Journal of Mathematics accepts research papers in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The TJM is an interdisciplinary journal and topics covered by the journal include: Algorithms, Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Analysis, Applied Logic, Algebraic Topology, Applicable Analysis, Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Nonlinear Control, Approximation Theory, Bifurcation Theory, Celestial Mechanics, Computer Applications, Difference Equations, and their Applications, Differential Topology, Dimension Theory, Discrete applied mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Finite Element Analysis, Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Game Theory, Information theory, Oscillation Theory, Lattice Dynamics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Behavior, Mathematical Modelling, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Psychology, Nonlinear Water Waves, Optimal Control, Splines, Solitons and Fractals in Nonlinear Science, Mathematical Engineering, System Theory, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Solid Mechanics, Numerical Methods, Optimization Methods, Soliton Theory, Theoretical Computer Science, Spectral Theory, Topology, Turbulence Theory, Transport Phenomena papers are also welcomed.

-----------EDITORIAL BOARD--------

Professor Bulnes, Francisco [Editor-in-Chief]
Department of Research in Mathematics and Engineering
Technological Institute of High Studies of Chalco
Chalco, Mexico

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.francisco.bulnes@tesch.edu.mx

Area of Interest: Mathematical Physics, Cohomology of Cycles (Motivic and Relative), Integral Geometry, K-Theory and Moduli Spaces, Quantum Field Theory.


Shatanawi, Wasfi
Department of Mathematics
Hashemite University
P. O. Box 150459

Zarqa 13115, Jordan

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.swasfi@hu.edu.jo

Area of Interest: Fixed Point Theory and Applications.


Valls, Claudia
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico
1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.cvalls@math.ist.utl.pt


Karaca, Ilkay Yaslan
Department of Mathematics
Ege University

Izmir, 35100 Bornova, Turkey

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.ilkay.karaca@ege.edu.tr

URL: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.http://fen.ege.edu.tr/~math/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=90:ilkaraca-mk&catid=14

Area of Interest:Fixed Point Theory, Time Scale, Boundary Value Problems.


Koyuncu, Nursel
Department of Statistics
Hacettepe University

Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.nkoyuncu@hacettepe.edu.tr



Sluzalec, Andrzej
Technical University of Czestochowa
42-200 Czestochowa

ul. Dabrowskiego 69, Poland

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.sluzalec@bud.pcz.czest.pl

Area of Interest: Applied Mathematics (Numerical Methods, Finite Element Method, Methods of Nonlinear Mechanics), Pure Mathematics (Geometry, Algebra).


Eryilmaz, Serkan
Department of Industrial Engineering
Atilim University

06836 Incek

Golbasi Ankara, Turkey

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.seryilmaz@atilim.edu.tr

Area of Interest: Applied Probability, Stochastic Modeling, Reliability Theory.


Sbibih, Driss
Département de Mathématiques et Informatique
Faculté des Sciences
Équipe de Recherche ANTI-URAC05

Université Mohammed Premier

60000 Oujda, Morocco

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.sbibih@yahoo.fr


Cristinel Mortici
Faculty of Science and Arts
Valahia University of Targoviste

Bd. Unirii 18

130082 Targoviste, Romania

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.cmortici@valahia.ro

URL: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.www.cristinelmortici.ro



Balabel, Ashraf
Mechanical Power Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Menoufiya University, Egypt

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.ashrafbalabel@yahoo.com

Area of Interest: Fluid Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Heat Transfer, Level Set Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),Turbulence Modelling.


Gomez, Hector
Department of Mathematical Methods
Group of Numerical Methods in Engineering

University of A Coruña

Campus de Elviña, s/n, 15192 A Coruña, Spain

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.hgomez@udc.es; hgomezd@gmail.com

URL: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.caminos.udc.es/gmni/gente/hgomez

Area of Interest: Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations

- Phase-Field Methods

- Time Integration Schemes

- Mathematical Biology.


Drihem, Douadi
Department of Mathematics
Laboratory of Functional Analysis and Geometry of Spaces
M’sila University

P. O. Box 166

M’sila 28000, Algeria.

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.douadidr@yahoo.fr

Area of Interest:

1. Function spaces (Besov spaces, Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, FS of variable smoothness and integrability,... )

2. Fourier analysis (Singular integrals, Calderón-Zygmund operators and pseudo-differential operators).


He, Yiran
Department of Mathematics
Sichuan Normal University Chengdu
Sichuan 610066, P. R. China

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.yrhe@sicnu.edu.cn

Area of Interest: Optimization Theory, Variational Inequality, Nonsmooth Analysis.


Tarzia, Domingo Alberto
Depto. Matematica - CONICET
FCE, Univ. Austral

Paraguay 1950

S2000FZF Rosario, Argentina

email: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.DTarzia@austral.edu.ar or El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.domingotarzia@yahoo.com.ar or El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.domingotarzia@gmail.com

Area of Interest: Partial Differential Equations (elliptic and parabolic), Free and Moving Boundary Problems, Elliptic and Parabolic Variational Inequalities, Optimal Control Theory by PDE. Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Derivatives in Finance.


Ezzat, Magdy A.
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Education

Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.maezzat2000@yahoo.com

Area of Interest: MHD, Heat and Mass Transfer, Magneto-Thermoelasticity, Thermoelectric Properties, Ultrafast Laser Heating, Bioheat Equation.


Chen, Jianqing
School of Mathematics and
Computer Science
Fujian Normal University

Fuzhou 350007, P. R. China

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.jqchen@fjnu.edu.cn


Cabada, Alberto
Departamento de Análise Matemática
Facultade de Matemáticas

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.alberto.cabada@usc.es


Set, Erhan
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Arts
Duzce University, Duzce, Turkey

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.erhanset@yahoo.com


Candito, Pasquale
Dipartimento MECMAT
University of Reggio Calabria

Via Graziella

Feo di Vito, 89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.pasquale.candito@unirc.it


Eltaher, M. A.
Mechanical Design and Production Department
Faculty of Engineering
Zagazig University, Egypt

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.mmeltaher@zu.edu.eg

Area of Interest: Material Science, Composite Material, Functionally Graded Material, Nanomechanics, Nonlocal Elasticity; Static-Buckling and Dynamic and Impact  behavior of Structures, Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Analysis.


Ipek, Ahmet
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Art and Science

Mustafa Kemal University

Hatay, Turkey

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.dr.ahmetipek@gmail.com

URL: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.drahmetipek.net/

Area of Interest: Matrix Theory, Algebraic and Integer Sequences, Quaternions and Octonions.


Hbid, Hassan
Mathematical Populations Dynamics Laboratory
Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Sciences Semlalia

University Cadi Ayyad

P. O. 2390, Marrakesh, Morocco

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.hbid@uca.ma


Cánovas, Jose S.
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Technical University of Cartagena

C/Doctor Flemming sn, 30202, Cartagena, Spain

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.jose.canovas@upct.es


Sang, Yanbin
Department of Mathematics
North University of China
Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030051, P. R. China

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.syb6662009@yahoo.com.cn

Area of Interest: Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Nonlinear Differential Equations, Difference Equations, and Dynamic Equations on General Time Scales.


Marrero, Isabel
Departamento de Análisis Matemático
Universidad de La Laguna
38271 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.imarrero@ull.es


Yamazaki, Noriaki
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering
Kanagawa University

3-27-1 Rokkakubashi

Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, 221-8686, Japan

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.noriaki@kanagawa-u.ac.jp

Area of Interest: Systems of PDE's, Free Boundary Problems, Phase Transition Problems, Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Optimal Control Problems.


Hsiao, Ming-Ying
Department of Electrical Engineering
Fortune Institute of Technology
No. 1-10, Nwongchang Road

Daliao District, Kaohsiung 83160, Taiwan

e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.myhsiao@fotech.edu.tw


López de Medrano, Santiago
Institute of Mathematics
UNAM, Mexico
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.santiago_null@null_matem.unam.mx
Area of Interest: Complex Analysis, Moore Theory, Knot Theory, Global Analysis, Ergodic Theory, Manifolds Analysis, Dynamical Systems.


Vladimirovich, Babichev A.
Russian Academic of Sciences, Russia
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.bvladimirovich@ras.org.ru
Area of Interest: Global Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Geometry.


Sandeep, N.
VIT University
Tamil Nadu, India
e-mal: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.dr.nsrh@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, Simulating.


González-Vélez, Horacio
Competency Center in Computing of Clouds
National College of Ireland, Ireland
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.horacio@ncirl.ie
Area of Interest: Computational Sciences, Computing of Systems Architecture, Discrete Mathematics.


Gaxiola, Oswaldo González
Applied Mathematics and Systems Department
UAM, Mexico
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.ogonzalez@correo.cua.uam.mx
Area of Interest: Quantum Mechanics, Theoretical Physics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics.


Stropovsvky, Yuri
Mathematics Department
Lomonosov MSU, Russia
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.stropovsvky@lmsu.edu.ru
Area of Interest: Differential Geometry, Rational Mechanics, Field Theory.


Salamanca-Riba, Susana
Mathematics Department
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.ssalaman@nmsu.edu
Area of Interest: Advanced Calculus, Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Algebras, Algebra, Complex Analysis.


Elizarrarás, María Elena Luna
Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
e-mail: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.eluna@esfm.ipn.edu
Area of Interest: Hyper-complex Analysis, Quaternionic Analysis, Applied Mathematics.


Treanţa, Savin
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Applied Mathematics

University Politehnica of Bucharest

313 Splaiul Independentei

060042 – Bucharest, Romania

e-mai: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.savin_treanta@yahoo.com; El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.savin.treanta@upb.ro

Area of Interest: Multiobjective Optimization; Optimal Control; Mathematical Modeling; Information Theory; Geometric PDEs.


----------GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS----------

1. Preparation:

Manuscripts submitted to APJM should be written in English, using TeX (LaTeX, AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX), and include the following infor- mation:


Authors’ full names and af  liations;

Abstract (should not exceed 200 words).  Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full.

2010 MSC: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/msc/msc2010.html

References: ensure that every reference present in the reference list is cited in the text. Unpublished results are not recommended in the reference list. Please cite all references by \cite{}, and follow the reference style below:


[1] A. Name, Paper Title, Trans. J. Math. {\bf 1} (2013), 1-10.

[2] A. Name, Paper Title, Trans. J. Math. {\bf 2013} (2013), Article ID 1, 12 pages.


[3] A. Name, Book Title, Press, City, 2013.

2. Template: LaTex:

3. Submission: The manuscripts should be submitted at the following address: El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.http://em.apaci  c.org, and should not be submitted to the editors’ personal email addresses directly.

4. Copyrights: By submitting a manuscript for publication, the author(s) acknowledge that it is original and not published or being submit- ted elsewhere. Transnational Journal of Mathematics is to require the assignment of copyright from all contributors at the time articles are accepted for publication.

5. Peer Review Process: Single-blind peer review.

6. Author Self-Archiving: This journal permits and encourages authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites or in- stitutional repositories both prior to and after publication, while providing bibliographic details that credit, if applicable, its publication in this journal.

7. Open Access: APJM is an open access journal, distributed under the terms of the El enlace externo abre una nueva pestaña o ventana.Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC).

8. Charges: TJM has publication fee 200USD.


Indexing, Abstracting and Reviews: After release of the first issue, the journal will be approached for review / inclusion in Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, SCI, Zentralblatt für Mathematik, SCOPUS, IndexCopernicus, Elsevier's bibliographic database.